Since 2013 Faizah is a part of the Mexican Dance Company “Laleget Danza” under artistic direction of Diego Vázquez
She has since then danced in 4 pieces with the Company; Clean Slate, Image.jpg, The World in my eyes, Pendiente and The Coat.
Laleget Danza is an ensemble of young dancers and choreographers of different nationalities who have gathered in Mexico City to explore contemporary dance, with the intention to create work that is relevant to our times. Laleget Danza was founded in 2005 by Diego Vázquez, ts current Artistic Director.
In 2015 Faizah collaborated with Diego Vázquez as a choreographer. Together they created a duet called “Pendiente”. Pendiente is a Contemporary duet inspired by images, atmospheres and situations of the famous novel of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ “Crónica de una muerte anunciada”. The choreography, without being narrative, speaks of “a forbidden relationship” and the emotions these create. Marquez’ work, an essential part of the Latin American cultural identity serves as a meeting point for the three artists with two different nationalities but with shared roots. All with the purpose of creating a collaboration: Raúl Maduro, sound artist from Curaçao, Diego Vázquez, Mexican dancer and choreographer and Faizah Grootens, dancer and choreographer from Curaçao.
Pendiente has toured Curacao, Netherlands, Bratislava and several important theaters around Mexico such as Palacio de Bellas Artes, Teatro de la danza and Teatro Ocampo.
Trailer :